Reflexology is a form of treatment by means of pressure points. It was used in India and China five thousand years ago. This knowledge was set aside in favor of acupuncture which emerged from the same root. Evidence of Reflexology being used dates back to 2330 B.C. in Egyptian art.
It is commonly done on the feet; however, it can also be done on the hands, ears, face or other specific locations on the body.
Reflexology benefits people of all ages. Pressure and session length is adjusted to client's health condition, age and specific needs.
A Certified Reflexologist has received training from a specialized school, met practice hour requirements. and has taken a written test to receive their certification. A Reflexologist without certification has not met any specific requirements and can have minimal training.
If there is chronic pain or discomfort, more frequent sessions of every 1-2 weeks would be recommended. As the discomfort subsides, time between sessions would increase. For maintenance and stress reduction every four weeks is helpful. Reflexology works wonderfully in conjunction with other body therapies.
The techniques used rarely feels ticklish. The Reflexologist adjusts the touch to what is comfortable for you.
Some areas of the hands can be worked on at home, but it is rather awkward to work on your own feet. Still, the Reflexologist can share some self-help points with you.
It is helpful to remove any rough or callused skin and come to your session with clean feet. After your session, it is essential that you drink plenty of purified water to help remove toxins and impurities released during your session. Work self-help points regularly.
Many people regularly take supplements and benefit from them because they fill the nutritional gaps caused by their diet or environmental factors. However, when there are specific issues going on specific action is needed to support the body in healing itself. Nutritional programs use supplements to support specific actions of the body
Many people regularly take supplements and benefit from them because they fill the nutritional gaps caused by their diet or environmental factors. However, when there are specific issues going on specific action is needed to support the body in healing itself. Nutritional programs use supplements to support specific actions of the body such as cleansing toxins, repairing an injury or reducing inflammation. Depending on what is identified during the session, specific supplements are identified to meet those specific needs.
A typical session lasts 1-1 1/2 hours depending on the individual's needs.
All services provided are not meant to diagnose or treat a disease, or to replace the services of your physician or other health care provider. It is strictly a method of informing you about lifestyle changes you can make to improve your overall sense of well being. All prices subject to change.
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